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MultHyFuel Launch Event

The launch event was a webinar, held on the 29th April 2021, giving external stakeholders a preliminary insight into the project. The slides presented during the webinar can be downloaded, and a recording of the webinar can be accessed using the links below.

On the 8th of April, 2021, MultHyFuel’s Launch Event was held in a virtual format from 2 p.m to 3:30 p.m. This was the first public open event in which the project was announced. In this webinar, the project team was able to present the impact that MultHyFuel hopes to achieve with its findings and the methodology behind it, including the way in which the partners plan to engage with the targeted stakeholders. The presentation included the following topics:

  • MultHyFuel: goals and strategy
  • Methodology: How will we conduct a cross-country state of the art review?
  • Methodology: What kind of analysis and experimentation will the project include?
  • Engagement plan

The event also allowed time for fruitful discussions. With over 500 participants and great engagement from the audience, the Launch Event confirmed just how timely the subject of permitting and safety in hydrogen refuelling stations is. Future webinars will be held in order to update the broader audience on the project’s results and findings.