The goal of MultHyFuel is to contribute to the effective deployment of hydrogen as an alternative fuel by developing a common strategy for implementing Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS) in multi-fuel contexts, contributing to the harmonization of existing laws and standards based on practical, theoretical and experimental data as well as on the active and continuous engagement of key stakeholders.

A state-of-the-art-review phase, conducted with the support of the Network of National Experts, will realize a preliminary diagnosis of the existing rules, standards and best practices in the domain.
Practical research and experimental laboratory work to address gaps in current understanding
Generation of best practice guidance based on results in terms of data and evidence derived from practical experimentation and subsequent analysis, transforming the analysis and experimentation results into actionable information.
Engagement of key target stakeholders (namely policy makers, public authorities, standardization bodies, etc. This phase will guarantee the actual involvement of target stakeholders from the very initial analysis phases up to the validation of the final results; this phase will be of primary importance to create actual commitment and shared consensus around the project results, and consequently guarantee their sustainability in the long run.
A specific workstream is dedicated to the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of project results