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Website goes live

The MultHyFuel website provides the latest information, news and events surrounding the project. From the website you can find our more about what's going on and contact us if you have any enquiries.

The project website is launched, with initial deliverables available for public download:

Deliverable 3.1
State of the Art on hydrogen technologies and infrastructures regarding a multi-fuel station environment
Includes a review of technologies and infrastructures, mostly in relation to hydrogen dispensing, but also for CNG, LNG and conventional liquid fuels as well. Additionally, a review of safety aspects and existing regulation has been conducted in the context of this deliverable. A benchmarking of technologies used in HRS and multi-fuel stations has led to the definition of 3 configurations to be assessed as detailed case studies – the preliminary configurations are outlined within this deliverable.

Deliverable 3.2
Benchmarking of Risk Assessment Methodology Applied to Refuelling Stations
Contains a state of the art of the risk assessment methods and practices for HRS and conventional refueling stations, with recommendations for MultHyFuel project’s risk assessments.  Includes a description of the key concepts regarding the risk management, some risk assessment methods and the risk acceptance criteria. Additionally examines common critical scenarios and typical safety barriers for HRS and conventional fuel retail stations.

Deliverable 5.1
Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
The communication, dissemination and exploitation plan details the measures by which the MultHyFuel project will engage with key stakeholders outside of the consortium, and the work and findings of the MultHyFuel project will be disseminated outside of the consortium. It identifies particular target audiences and the methods of engagement to be taken to maximise the effect of the work in the project, and to exploit the project findings.